Yes, Sylas can use Lillia’s ult. When Sylas steals Lillia’s ultimate ability, he can then apply her passive to champions without it dealing damage. This makes her ult, which triggers the passive stack, useful in Sylas’ hands.
What happens if Sylas takes Nidalee ULT?
When Sylas steals Nidalee’s ult, he gains access to her transformation forms. He can transform into Nidalee’s cougar form and gain access to her cougar’s Q, W, and E abilities.
Can Sylas use Kalista ult?
If the enemy team has a Kalista, Sylas will start the match with a Black Spear. With this item, he can use Kalista’s ult as long as his bonded teammate is nearby.
How does Sylas steal ult?
Sylas’ ultimate ability allows him to steal an enemy champion’s ultimate ability for a set duration. He can select a champion and gain access to their ultimate ability, casting it at no cost.
How does Sylas ult cooldown work?
After stealing an ultimate with his first cast of the ability, Sylas cannot select the same champion again for a set duration. He can hold the hijacked ultimate for up to 90 seconds, during which he can recast his ultimate ability to cast the stolen ultimate again.
There is no specific information available about Sylas stealing Lillia’s ult in the provided article.
How does Sylas work with Lillia ULT?
When Sylas steals Lillia’s ult, he can then apply her passive to champions without it dealing damage. This makes her ult, which triggers the passive stack, useful in Sylas’ hands.
Is Sylas weak late game?
Sylas is quite decent during late-game fights as he can deal tons of damage and heal himself for massive amounts at the proper time.
Who is Sylas weak against?
Sylas is weak against champions such as Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Irelia, Pantheon, and Anivia.
Can Sylas hyper carry?
Sylas is not considered a hyper carry like Yasuo or Master Yi, but he can still carry games with his strong abilities.
Why is Sylas the bad guy?
Sylas was once a young boy imprisoned for his magical abilities. He used his power to escape and now leads a revolution of mages seeking to destroy the Demacian kingdom. This is why he is considered the bad guy.
Can Yasuo block Sylas?
According to available information, Yasuo’s Wind Wall can block Sylas’ Hijack ability, which is coded as a projectile.
Can Sylas take karma ult?
Yes, Sylas can steal Karma’s ultimate ability. When he does, he gains access to Karma’s empowered abilities and can cast one of them.
How old is Sylas?
Sylas is around his early 30s.
Can Sylas stun with Annie ult?
Sylas can summon Tibbers with Annie’s ult, but it won’t stun the enemy.
How to counter Fed Sylas?
To counter a fed Sylas, using champions with hard crowd control, poke-oriented, or range can be the most effective strategy. Sylas is particularly susceptible to long-range champions who can keep their distance and deal damage from afar.
Who is Sylas girlfriend?
There is no information available about Sylas having a girlfriend in the provided article.
Can Sylas use True Ice?
Sylas is unable to wield a True Ice weapon, but he can channel its power through an Iceborn individual who wields it, giving him the ability to control ice.
What is Sylas’ relationship with Lux?
Sylas and Lux have an unusual and secretive bond. Luxanna, a young volunteer from the Illuminators, began visiting Sylas during his time in prison. Despite his shackles, Sylas recognized her as a powerful mage and the two formed a connection over time.
Does Lillia counter Sylas?
Lillia has a slightly lower win rate against Sylas compared to the average opponent. She wins against Sylas around 44% of the time, which is about 5.3% less often than expected.
Who wins Ekko vs Sylas?
Based on available data, Ekko has a slight advantage against Sylas in the jungle, winning around 51.3% of the time.
Can Sylas be played top?
Sylas can be played top, but he is generally considered a counter pick rather than a blind pick. He excels against tankier champions such as Cho’Gath, Malphite, and Nasus, but struggles against most bruisers.
Is Sylas squishy?
Sylas is a relatively squishy champion. Engage champions with high damage, especially when Ignite is up, can easily kill him.
What tier is Sylas?
Sylas Mid is currently ranked as an S-tier champion in the Emerald+ division. He has a 51.2% win rate and a pick rate of 11.1%.
Who beats Sylas top?
Based on available data, Quinn, Kled, Urgot, Poppy, and Yorick are considered the best counters for Sylas top.